Parish History

On Sunday, September 28, 2008, the Serbian Orthodox Faithful of greater Austin gathered at the Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church to talk with Very Rev. Father Dragoljub Popovich, who recently moved to Austin from St. George the Great Martyr Serbian Orthodox Parish of Schererville, Indiana. The purpose of the gathering was to brainstorm on how to organize a Serbian Orthodox Mission Parish in Austin, Texas.
Fr. Dragoljub served Divine Liturgy together with Fr. Jordan, the parish priest of the Greek parish in the morning hours and in the afternoon hours a picnic was held. Some thirty plus families with their children came to this important gathering and after listening to Father Dragoljub’s presentation why the Austin’s Serbian population need to get organized, signed the petition to his Eminence Metropolitan Christopher to give us blessing for the founding of the parish.
On October 31, 2008, the day we commemorate the St. Apostle and Evangelist Luke, His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of Midwestern Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of America and Canada officially issued the Charter for the founding of the Mission Parish and placed it under the protection and patronage of St. Apostle and Evangelist Luke.

His Eminence approved the Board of Trusties who will help Father Dragoljub in registering the Parish before the local and State bodies in order to attain the status of Non-for profit religious organization as well as assisting him in all aspects of administrative and pastoral parish life.